I've been slowly releasing the episodes for this 6 part series Journey this summer and now that they're all out, you can binge it in one sitting. Glad it's finished because I'm already planning for a new series. Although I will still be promoting the heck out of it like I have been but only getting a little bit of views. I was expecting to match the views my other parodies I made in 2020 on Youtube which was 1-5K.
This was quite a bit different thing to make since it was a mash up of an original story with original characters but also mixed in video game parodies. Also in the beginning I wanted to make this a game but then changed it to a series. I did spend like 3 years on it since I started the project back in summer of 2020 but didn't work on it for most of last year because I was commissioned to make cartoons for DenisDaily which turned out great but all that content is on his channel and not mine.
The animation for Journey was done before those shorts but the background art and post production was done afterwards. So when it comes to the "animation" the DenisDaily content is whats actually newer. XD I could have other content come out when making the next "series" but we'll see. Journey was ALOT of work. You can expect my future cartoons to be more goofy and colorful.
I love making outrageous facial expressions.
So it will be quiet for some time before I get to release any new cartoons. But for now you can enjoy my series Journey and if you haven't seen my animated shorts for DenisDaily check those out too! I made roughly 40 of them, they were around 30 seconds long and the release schedule was two per week! I did all the boarding, animating, backgrounds, post work, for those. It was a very tough gig and probably the quickest I've come to animating.
Alright I'm gonna go play some ViDeO gAmEs. BYE.